Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Former Administration Official Has Nothing But Criticism for the Administration

I found this article, very interesting. (I know, I know, it's from Friday). Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson, has harsh words for the administration he once served. Not surprisingly, some his main complaints are that the foreign policy has been hijacked by the "Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal" and that the current administration has made our country more succeptable to future crises (Hurricane Katrina being just one example). He also "suggested that secrecy, arrogance and internal feuding has taken a heavy toll in the Bush administration, skewing its policies and undercutting its ability to handle crises." Wilkerson apparently also said that President Bush, "is not versed in international relations, and not too much interested in them, either." I guess that shouldn't really come as a surprise either, but wow, how can somebody be president when they don't care about international relations -- isn't that a huge part of being president? Especially if the globalization trend continues? Wilkerson also used the terms, "aberrations", "bastardizations", and "perturbations" to describe the Bush administration's twisting of the "national security apparatus". Apparently Wilkerson contrasted George W. Bush with his father, George H.W. Bush, and called the elder Bush, "one of the finest presidents we've ever had." That could be true, George H.W. Bush was certainly not a bad president. But it certainly seems as though he was a rather poor father.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not surprised. Frank rich has also some what similar comments. He talks about the Iraq group.

The number of soldiers that died reached 2000 today. No one in administration is talking about that.

If it is usch a noble cause why aren't the members of the Bush, Chaney or Rumsfeld clan not volunteering.

10/25/2005 9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wilkerson says that Bush-younger is not "versed in international relations," but couldn't the same be said for Bush-senior? After all, wasn't there that incident with Bush-senior vomitting on the lap of the Japanese PM. In my opinion, that isn't the greatest stance to take on international relations.

10/25/2005 9:42 PM  

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