Alito confirmation hearings
I find the Alito confirmation hearings a complete waste of time. Alito's job during the hearings is to reveal as little information (about his real opinions) as possible so that he will get confirmed. I find it really hard to believe that Alito does not know how he would have ruled on Bush v. Gore. Anyone with any sort of legal inclination knows how they would rule on such a case! I also find it hard to believe that Alito didn't much about the Concerned Alumni of Princeton, didn't participate in any of the activities, yet wrote it on his resume. A lot of what he says doesn't add up. I also didn't like when the 1985 memo for the Reagan administration (in which he seemed very anti-Roe) came up, he said something like he was telling a potential employer what they wanted to hear. Very slimy indeed!
He is kind of a slimeball. If he had his way, I never could have gone to Princeton. What a bum.
Also did you listen to him talk in the hearings. He talked to slowly and with so many pauses you could literally hear the wheels in his head turning. You should read my blog to find out about the "10 Things I Hate About You [Alito]"
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