Fox News is Terrible
I was watching Fox News the other day (don't ask me why!) and it is really awful... I hadn't realized just how awful it is. I watched for about an hour -- first they covered the Haditha massacre. As part of the storythey interviewed this woman who was saying, "Now we don't know exactly what happened. Let's not jump to conclusions. " She was also blaming the New York Times and the LA Times for trying to turn it into the next Abu Ghraib. Someone should have informed this woman that we do have a decent idea of what happened at Haditha... Immediately after this story, they had a story on the kind of hostility that American troops face. The gist of the story being, if American troops committed unspeakable unatrocities in Haditha, they were justified in doing so. All the while at the bottom, the news ticker was saying things such as, "Terror Alert: Elevated" and how someone interviewed in Farenheit 9/11 was upset that their interview was construed to be anti-war, when they are actually pro-war. And not to mention that children in the UK are using the Da Vinci Code as fact on their essays and exams and teachers in the UK are having to remind the students that it is fiction.
I mean really! They shouldn't be allowed to call themselves a news channel. Pretty ridiculous in my opinion.