Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jon Stewart is the most awesomely funny man alive!

In the episode, post Dick Cheney's blowup at Wolf Blitzer, "I object to your question", Jon Stewart was a god among comedians...

He has Chrissy Gephardt on the show (who is also gay and the daughter of a politician) and he asks her:

"Now when did you first know that you were the daughter of a politician?"

"Do you think that your father chose to be a politician?"

"Do you think that politicians should be allowed to raise children?"

"Now let's say for argument's sake that Strom Thurmond had a black daughter..."

Jon Stewart, I love you...

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Is this great or what?

From Nicholas Kristof's op-ed today:

' A reader named Melissa S. e-mailed to say that she explains Iraq policy to her 8-year-old son in terms of Harry Potter characters: “Dick Cheney is Lord Voldemort. George W. Bush is Peter Pettigrew.” Don Rumsfeld is Lucius Malfoy, while Cornelius Fudge represents administration supporters who deny that anything is wrong. And, she concludes, “Daily Prophet reporter Rita Skeeter is Fox News.” '

Now who would you say is Colin Powell, Condi, and Alberto Gonzales are?

My thoughts are Colin Powell is the elder Crabbe and Goyle -- just do what they are told, don't make their opinions known. Maybe Alberto Gonzales is a dementor since he sucks people's souls out while torturing them. And Condi, perhaps Bellatrix Lestrange? Voldemort's most faithful death eater... Rufus Scrimgeor would be someone trying to create diversions and pretend like everything is okay.

Now the big question is, who are Harry, Ron and Hermione?