Friday, October 28, 2005

Libby Indicted

I. Lewis Libby (aka Scooter Libby) has been indicted today on one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements. (I'm not sure what the difference is between perjury and making false statements but I guess I will find out.) He has subsequently resigned from his White House post, as chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. Karl Rove apparently will not be indicted today, but news sources say Fitzgerald will ask for an extension from the grand jury to further investigate Rove's role. I would really love to see Karl Rove indicted. It may not be right according to Nicholas Kristof or others, whose opinion I respect, but I want his brand of politics to end because it is immoral. If Karl Rove is indicted, I think it will be a blow to his brand of politics.

More to come on this... Fitzgerald is making a statement at 2 pm. I wonder if the White House will say anything.


Blogger Mango Kiwi said...

Clarifications: The "making false statements" refers to Libby lying to FBI agents on two separate occasions with respect to the Plame investigation and the "perjury" counts have to do with false testimony before the grand jury.

10/28/2005 1:43 PM  

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