Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Senate Shutdown Today

Perhaps Democrats aren't the bunch of spineless pansies we all thought they were... Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader, invoked "Rule 21" to close the Senate doors today to all but the 100 Senators in order to discuss the lack of progress in the Republican-lead inquiry into the failed intelligence that lead us into the Iraq War. The result of this closed session hearing was the appointment of 3 Republican Senators and 3 Democratic Senators to track the progress of this Republican-lead inquiry. This event has led me to hope for two things: One, that Democrats take bolder actions in the future and two, that we find out what exactly happened in the build-up to the Iraq War so that it does not happen again. Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, told reporters, "This is an affront on the United States of America." If that's the case, I hope to see more affronts on the United States of America. And really, Bill, shouldn't you be worrying about your legal woes rather than talking to reporters?


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