Bush has nominated Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to replace the position vacated by Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. Alito has been nickname Scalia-lite or Scalito because his ideology resembles that of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Given that, I hope his nomination dies a bloody death in the Senate Confirmation hearings. Democratic Senators Harry Reid and Charles Schumer have already expressed their concerns over such a conservative nominee to the Supreme Court. Bush's base is clearly pleased though, after being upset over the nomination of Harriet Miers. Maybe my friend Smita was right -- Bush used Miers all along knowing that she would never get confirmed. Then he used it as an excuse to appoint someone ultra-conservative and someone who isn't a woman. I can just picture Bush saying, "I tried to appoint a woman, but you didn't like her." I get angry just thinking about it -- she clearly wasn't the most qualified woman for the job and there are plenty of other women besides Miers he could have nominated. I hope this is the last of the Supreme Court vacancies that Bush gets to fill. It would be sad if he replaced someone like Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer or Souter with someone like Samuel Alito, Jr.